Balance your weakness & strength

We have two group of people…

Which are:
Introvert & Extrovert

Introvert is my strength, and Extrovert is my Weakness…

If Extrovert is your strength, then introvert is your Weakness…

Now, when you can balance your strength and weakness, you can accomplish anything in Life like marketing your business with flyer designs..

You need both introvert & extrovert in a balance scale.

As an introvert person, I hate the gathering of people, but I understand it’s important for my business growth, so everyday I study the acts of an Extrovert and how they do things & I find it super weird…

I believe 1,000Men (Extroverts) holding a building, holds an advantage compare to 1Man (introvert) holding that building…

To be honest, It’s hard, challenging, super fulfilling & exciting..


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