As i continue to gossip about nature of life and how it works, I understand better that no matter the problem my business face, it cannot be compare to the problem that a Mother hen faces every morning to night, and this Mother hen’s needs our Creator even more than humans.
You worry about your family
A Mother hen worries about you humans coming to kill her & her babies
They hid everyday in fear while the ones in poultry farm, do not know that they are be trained to be killed, sold and eaten by humans…hmmm
The everyday life of Chickens 🐓 just shows that humans do not have problems at all.
Humans are monsters, Monster’s and yet you pray and go to church and complain say life is Hard…may God punish you, you kill chicken everyday and eat, this chickens got families and relatives too, they communicate everyday, they eat and shit like you and yet you complain about life problems.
May our Creator turn you to chicken 🐓…Amen, then you will know the true meaning of problems…
Humans causes problems for animals and yet they complain about life, please shut up and stop complaining.
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See you everyday,
my fellow human Murderers
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