Author: Echenou Micheal

  • Problems & Solutions

    In the beginning of your existence, your father impregnated your mother, kindly see the sequence of how problems connect to solutions.. While you were inside your mother belly, your mother experience a “problem” due to Labor pain and quickly she was rushed to the hospital, she faced the “problem” of Enduring the pain of giving…

  • Business Solutions..

    Like everything on our planet are grouped into two, so your business problems also have solutions… There is no problem, you cannot solve, absolutely no problem. The world faced a series of health issues, involving Malaria, Lassa fever and most recently Covid 19 and how did we responded to this problem, a group of dedicated…

  • Business problems…

    The best thing, that can ever happen to you, has both positive outcomes and negative outcomes.. The positives are your solutions The negatives are your problems For example, People clamor for Marriage, failing to understand the Positives and Negatives associated with it. Marriage, like any other aspect of life, has its positives and negatives. Here…

  • “Take it or leave it.

    Life always presents us with choices, and in each choice, there are always advantages and disadvantages. Take it or leave it. Nothing goes for nothing on my planet. I find it quite strange when people call on God and lay blame on external forces called Satan. The world we live in and everything in it…

  • English Language: The Complexity & Simplicity of Life

    Life is complex, and yet simple, with many wires leading to various functionalities. Our body has many veins, but they are grouped into two simple major veins: Both veins play crucial roles in the circulatory system, returning deoxygenated blood to the heart, which then pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation. A room has many…

  • Advantages & Disadvantages

    Meta ai, highlighted the complexity, that shareholders experience… This are shareholders, who happens to earn salary for the Company they work for. Now you asked you, why is it, that something good is always hard….. It’s Simple, that how God programmed Life.. The harder you hit Life the softer it becomes… Hard & Soft In…

  • The Dual Edge of Life: Exploring Advantages and Disadvantages

    Life is replete with complexities, and every aspect has its inherent benefits and drawbacks. The concept of shareholder salary is no exception. In this article, we’ll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this dual role, shedding light on the opportunities and challenges that come with it. Advantages: Disadvantages: In conclusion, the shareholder-employee role offers…

  • Shareholders Who Earn a Salary

    While shareholders are often associated with passive income, many individuals hold both shares and a salaried position within the same company. This dual role raises questions about the relationship between share ownership and employment income. Who are shareholder-employees? Shareholder-employees are individuals who own shares in a company and also receive a salary or wages for…

  • Advantages & Disadvantages as a Shareholder for the company you with for.

    Introduction Being a shareholder-employee can be a unique and rewarding experience, offering a sense of ownership and potential financial benefits. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges and risks. In this article, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of being a shareholder-employee, helping you make an informed decision about your…

  • A lifeline in the salary road.

    Yes, you can apply to become a shareholder for the company you work for and earn dividends like an owner. Life is all about choices. When you “Gain” a shareholder position, you lose some money you were supposed to earn like a salary earner. Life will be hard, but your dividends will come through, and…