Wednesday Morning

As Wednesday rolls on, it keeps going in circles and repeat itself by next week, a repeatition of time, a repeatition of you..

You keep repeating going to work everyday and as you expect morning time to give you the ability to work, night time gives you the ability to relax your body, so too as you expect opportunities, also expect problems.

Life is all about duality, where two forces interwined to one to accomplish what you need at a given time…

Life is brilliant, only if you keep learning from nature.

As duality present itself you ought to understand that problems are part of life and Wednesday can present you with many problems but you need to understand that problems are normal & meant to make us grow and opportunities are always found in any problem.

Wednesday presents you with a choice, a duality to choose between working for yourself or working for someone.

Working for yourself means you depend on our Creator, which also comprises of it opportunities and problems

Working for someone mean, you depend on humans, which also comprises of it opportunities and problems

Both has it advantages and disadvantages and me Echenou Micheal would Foreverr depend on working for myself to depend on our Creator..

Working for yourself and depending on our creator farmland is a hard life as our Creator gives you firewood to make your food…

Working for humans and depending on there salary is soft life as humans gives you gas cooker to make your food…

Humans guarantee you a fix amount of Money, Our Creator does not guarantee you a fix amount of Money..

Instead, you earn what you cultivate

That’s why office work is more soft or easy compare to farm work..

If you truly place all your trust in Our Creator, like you claim

Then it’s time to start depending on his Farm-Land and use it to run your passionate business..

Like for example, I tap from the farm to run my design business, making my expenses more low and my income more high, while you spend money for gas cooker, I simply save those Money and enter bush to pick up firewoods..

If you depend on our Creator, you will depend on his Farm-Land, so stop complaining and start looking for solutions

Already every Wednesday morning you are living a soft life by going to work under air conditioner, while I keep living a hard life of working under the sun to cultivate food…

The truth is: it’s not that hard, I swear it’s not and you can do it..

You can depend on our Creator Farm-land directly & it’s not that hard.


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