As i reason with you, there is a formula that works theorically to help humans live forever untill they decide otherwise, once the practical formula comes to pass, it will facilitate physical ImMortality amongst humans and their business, please don’t die yet ooh…
Such formulas are important for your business Marketing as this will enable you to be more patience in life and understand that you can accomplish anything only if you have unlimited time.
Our physical Height stops at a certain limit, Our foods stops our hunger at a certain limit, Our foods stops aging at a certain limit: Our food contains anti-aging properties that maintains our youthfulness to stop aging, Now you ask yourself why do humans still get old and eventually die, why? The answer is “Stress”
Stress is when you don’t accept all the Negative things around you, and you choose to complain rather than to appreciate & complaining leads to aging.
For example:
Take two hungry business Men..
Business Man A complain about the rice and stew, that you gave him and said he is not eating, after days of not eating, what will happen to business Man A, He will die…
Business Man B appreciate the rice and stew and eat it, after days of eating, what will happen to business Man, He will gain more Energy to be alive
Appreciate or Complain?
One of the most important duality in Life…
The choices are yours.
Appreciate every Negatives life throws at your business marketing and use to achieve ImMortality 🌱
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