Like aforementioned, humans do not face half the problem that a Mother Hen faces everyday and this Mother hen got feelings too, that’s why when you try to take her babies, she attacks you or run in fear of been hurt by wicked Humans.
Wicked Humans are killing animals and justifying it as food, your religion didn’t tell you that you are committing murder right? I understand …when another animal kill a human being now, you will be shouting murder” murder”..chai… may our Creator turn you into a Chicken or goat, so you can experience the problem they go through everyday, then you will understand that the simple problem of darkness given to us by Night, is just a natural part of life.
Don’t ever complain about problems because why you worry about your family business, a Mother hen worries about you humans coming to kill her & her babies…so sad just imagine
A Mother hen and you both experience morning and the problem of darkness that our night brings, we need to understand that gossiping about morning and night, gives you an idea that our life and business needs to go in repeatition.
Ask yourself Everyday..why Morning, Why Night in repeatition?
Our morning brings light
Our night brings darkness
This repeatition shows Forever, it shows that something is in motion and anything in motion is working.
So work for your business, keep working for your business, because if our morning decides to retire, then everything and everywhere will be dark Forever, so work as a human who experience morning and night in repeatition, work and rest but don’t ever think retirement because only those working for their business are alive.
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