Ginger yourself to Gain

A Magnet has both Positive and Negative sides…

When Positive and Positive mets, they push each other away, When Negative and Negative meet, they push each other away…

But when Negative tries to meet Positive, it Embrace each other..

So, to summarize:

  • Positive + Positive = Repel
  • Negative + Negative = Repel
  • Positive + Negative = Attract
  • Negative + Positive = Attract

Now, you ask yourself, why is that so…

in your business, you need Negative loss to ginger you to Gain more Positives. ..

That’s how God programmed Life.

The negative loss you experience, are meant to propel you to Gain more positives in your business…

So anytime you, experience a loss, use it as a ginger to gain more

Don’t feel too despair, have it in the back of your mind, that God will never allow a loss, that you cannot gain from..

Just like he wouldn’t allow, our sun to move closer to our planet and burn humans

Just like he wouldn’t allow, the rain to fall so heavy in our planet and flood all humans

God will never allow a loss, you cannot gain from..

In every loss, there is gain right in the corner..

Just trust your Creator


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