Saturday morning

Saturday, you are awaiting the English Premier League, you are a Football fan and you decide to play my own football, so you link up with your friends at the field.

You choose to play penalty shoot out…
You are right footed, and using your right leg to kick the ball to the goal post is good(positive, solution) for you..
While using your left leg to kick the ball to the goal post is bad(negative, problem) for you

You see the duality, would you say, your left leg is a bad thing?

Nothing like good or bad, as both things interwined to give you what you need at that moment of time.

While your left leg, presents a huge “problem” of kicking the ball accurately to the goal post, you know that your right leg presents a “solution” to kick the ball more accurately.

You turning your left leg into strength is true essence of living..

Problems are a natural order of life and like football, Haaland needs to pass the “problem” of 4 defenders, in order to score a goal.

That’s how our planet works in repeated circles, going over and over again, turning all problems into opportunities..

So as your left leg and right leg are interwined to make you feel good about life, know that problems and solutions will definitely interwined to make you feel good about life.

If you are Left footed, then your left foot is your solution to kick the ball and your right foot is your problem

If you are Right footed, then your right foot is your solution to kick the ball and your left foot is your problem.


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