Sadly, Your family members are your greatest Downfall, most expecially your husband or wife.
Yes they have their benefits but like everything on our Planet, your spouse has advantages and disadvantages, as they have their strengths, their weeknesses takes you away from reasoning life correctly with our Creator within you.
Your husband who is meant to be your everything can be your greatest downfall tomorrow.
Your wife who is meant to be your everything can be your greatest downfall tomorrow.
It’s a matter of nature, understanding that two captains cannot sail one ship to it destination.
So too two married people cannot sail a relationship to it destination.
One must bend for another, in order to reach it destination.
The fear of been alone, refrain you for making hard decisions, it’s a pity that you don’t trust our Creator force inside you.
Our Creator is the only logical partner you need in your relationship and business, you don’t need anyone else, anyone else comes not as an equal but as crew member inside your ship, you are the only captain with our Creator force guiding your Inner-self.
Because no matter how you front it, no matter how you pretend, deep down you are not happy with your marriage life, but because of fear of loneliness, you endure an unhappy marriage and deprive yourself from the true essence of living.
I feel pity for you all
No wonder you grow old and die, because instead of using your energy & time to seek nature and anti-aging plants to continue your life, you use that energy & time to engage in family problems and problems and problems and problems.
Already the problem within you are much and yet you carry another person problem to add, as your spouse can help you with your problems, they can equally contribute more to your problems.
Understand that everyone in life goes in two ways, that two ways interwined as years goes by, that two ways are the negative and positive response you get from people, that two ways is your physical self getting married to our Creator spiritual self, that two ways are your left hand & right hands, that two ways are our morning and night, that two ways are your two eyes, that two ways is knowing that when you approach people, they can either say yes or no
Your spouse goes in two ways, which follows the pattern of day and night so therefore, they have advantages and disadvantages, they have positives & negatives that will continue to repeat itself as years goes by.
It’s a pity.
Keep enduring your marriage life, and ignore our Creator force inside you. It’s all about choices..
Your laziness to be alone today is your downfall in business tomorrow.
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