Author: Echenou Micheal

  • πŸ”Announcement: Adverts are from Google

    As i continue to gossip about nature of life and how it works, I understand better that no matter the problem my business face, it cannot be compare to the problem that a Mother hen faces every morning to night, and this Mother hen’s needs our Creator even more than humans. You worry about your…

  • Everyday Gossip about Morning and Night

    Like aforementioned, humans do not face half the problem that a Mother Hen faces everyday and this Mother hen got feelings too, that’s why when you try to take her babies, she attacks you or run in fear of been hurt by wicked Humans. Wicked Humans are killing animals and justifying it as food, your…

  • Everyday Gossip about Animals 🐣

    Animals are like insects but quite different, the animal that I will start with is Chicken, omg humans love to murder chickens and eat chickens and eat chicken eggs, no wonder some humans behave like chickens. Chicken aka fowl are birds that surround themselves with humans, sometimes I wonder what they see in humans even…

  • Everyday gossip about insects 🐝

    I know that sounds weird but what is more weird is you not studying about the insects that are around you, which were all created by Our Creator to keep you company.. My favorite insect are ants, although Cockroaches seem to take over my office room space but one cannot blame them, when you cook…

  • Everyday gossip about plants 🌳

    Another thing we overlook is our plants, plants are different from planets, please note: while a typical human 24hrs is filled with gossiping other people, gossiping about our plants can be healthy in so many ways. Our plants contributes to our overall feeding and with that food, we can have energy to run our business,…

  • Everyday Gossip about our Sun β˜€οΈ

    Our Sun is pure energy and we underestimate and overlook the work that the Sun does everyday. A typical human 24hrs is spend mostly on Gossiping about their fellow humans, you hear phrase like hmmm, “my sister you see that man and him family do lean ooh because of no food” I hear say dem…

  • Keep working like our Planet.

    Please kindly look at your hands, kindly look at your legs they were all created on earth, the materials found on earth was used in creating you, everything on our planet like this materials used in creating you, recycles as they work daily.. For example: Sand and Water are some of the major materials used…

  • All things goes in Circles.

    Everything including your business repeats round and round in circles. Yes repeatition is key, our Creator programmed our Morning and Night along with Afternoon and Evenings. Everyday Morning comes for 6hrs, Afternoon comes for 6hrs so we can categorize both as Morning Everyday Evening comes for 6hrs, Night comes for 6hrs so we can categorize…

  • Morning & Night programming

    Morning & Night programming

    As i write to you, i’m presently in my Night programming in business with little sales, as you can see on my diagram above, my business like every other businesses goes in circles & has two programs, programming 1 is Night, programming 2 is Morning Morning programming are light times, where everything seems to be…

  • Business & our Planet

    Nobody will argue the fact that our planet has a programming of Morning and Night .. absolutely nobody can argue that. But the question is, after knowing our planet programming, how does this affect your business which’s a product from our planet? Morning programming gives you a problem to see the stars Night programming gives…