Author: Echenou Micheal

  • Knowledge

    I know how to make grilled Chicken, and you benefited from it I know how to make Money and you benefited from it… I know how to attain Immortality and you benefited from it I know how to run a business to make sales and you benefited from it Knowledge is power, only if you…

  • Tap from their knowledge:

    No one is an island on it own, yes no one..forget all those my introvert nature and self independent spirit, I need people to tap from their knowledge, I need to know what they know, I need to know how our Creator programmed them and more so, I need their Money.. Thier Money needs to…

  • Your choice in Marketing

    Yes we are God’s not Men Only a weak Man or Woman will fail to Market it business to everyone due to fear of insults or neglect. Our Creator dey collect insults from people everyday, and yet our Creator still uses it Sun to market to us everyday. Let me tell you: when you fail…

  • Insults in Marketing

    One of the many negatives you will face while marketing your business to all people, is that they will insult you…. One say, my mouth dey smell,.I come smell my mouth and truly my mouth dey smell, I rush go brush teeth again, buy chewing gum….lol Nah me Create my Mouth to smell? Abi no…

  • Just dey Market

    Like aforementioned, while marketing you will meet series of negative people more.. People who tend to use your business to play football, people who will treat you like dustbin and ignore you like trash can… Please don’t despair, just understand that’s the pattern, that’s how things works, just understand it’s natural. Negativity in marketing is…

  • Repeat your Marketing

    You see how your hands are part of your day to day life, nah so Marketing your business everyday should be part of your day to day life.. Don’t be too proud to reach out to new different persons everyday, please don’t be Our Creator first reached out to you, without our creator reaching out…

  • Why Marketing

    Only marketing sustains and broadcast your business to another level, Marketing is the main core in business not your flyers or logo’s, marketing pass them all as it carries your business to every corner of the universe. Marketing is a forever process, not just a one day process ooh, you can make a website and…

  • 🍕Announcement: To understand my writings, kindly copy & paste to ai

    As I wake up from sleep, my eyes heavy me, I rolled trees, slept, played music and force myself to stand up from my sweet bed. Sleep sweet Jare, I say make I continue to work because work sweet too, I come dey think am, so nah how imMortal life be be this, always having…

  • Marketing…

    Most uncomfortable things, that you need to do for your business are very hard and extremely necessary. Take for example Marketing: All you entrepreneurs hate to Market, like I was once in your shoes few years back, Marketing your business can be very hard for you, expecially if you are an introvert person. But don’t…

  • unComfortable life leads to Comfortable life

    I want to be rich, I want to be wealthy, do you know the pain and discomfort that comes with wealth? While you fear that your house shouldn’t catch fire, people like Dangote fear that their multi-billion dollar trailers transporting fuel should not catch Fire… The more Money you make, the more problems The more…