Author: Echenou Micheal

  • Inner instructions on how to use yourself well…

    99.9% of people use themselves anyhow, chai it is a pity. I swear… a big pity Person go carry himself dey try to frustrate another person to fail, like I no understand I understand, say everyone is jealous of Manchester city accomplishments but when you use your jealousy well, omoh you will turn that jealousy…

  • Understand Instructions

    No Manufacturer or Creator will produce a product, without putting working instructions to it, no, No, na, even you who cook food for your children, will place an instruction on how and when they can eat thier food and if anyone fails to adhere to your instructions comes cane or scolding. .. Instructions are needed…

  • Friendly instructions

    A Mama who loves her baby’s would always want her baby’s to take some of her character Same way Our Creator who loves us, would always want all species including animals to take some of it character. Those characters are a set of instructions on how to do anything. For example: you love singing, a…

  • Friend’s

    The opposite of Morning is Night the opposite of a physical is spiritual the opposite of a physical friend is a spiritual friend Friends, friends are gifts from nature, but like the duality of life, they have advantages and disadvantages. Consider our planet’s pattern of day and night, morning and evening. You’ll understand that everything…

  • 🌽Announcement: To understand my writings, kindly copy and paste to ai.

    Hi lovelies, I know.. I know, I know, I know my blog articles are very controversial but hey they are not, only if you see life in our Creator view. Don’t just see life, with your limited retrospect, keep learning everyday as knowledge is like your well that never gets dry. Yes water, no dey…

  • Family business..

    No one fancy family like our female species, like women too like baby’s… like kilode Well you can only understand, when a girl sees any man that she is programmed to be attracted to, a signal goes through her brain to start a family with that man & give birth to children, while receiving unrival…

  • Disadvantages of Family

    Even me that’s called Echenou Micheal has it advantages and disadvantages, I have my negatives & positives, what you consider as my positives can be considered as my negatives to another person, it’s just how our planet works. Humans need to do a better job to outline both the advantages and disadvantages of anything they…

  • Advantages of Family.

    The word Family generally denotes a husband, wife and children, while solitude oriented people like us denotes family to be you and your Inner-self aka our Creator force inside you. We believe family is something you curate from anywhere or anything, your cats can be your family, my soldier Ants are my family, we believe…

  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Family

    Sadly, Your family members are your greatest Downfall, most expecially your husband or wife. Yes they have their benefits but like everything on our Planet, your spouse has advantages and disadvantages, as they have their strengths, their weeknesses takes you away from reasoning life correctly with our Creator within you. Your husband who is meant…

  • Family

    No wonder you lose your connection with our Creator. Family has it advantages and disadvantages 1 Major disadvantage is that with your family members around you always, you lose your spiritual connection with our Creator, because their physical self will always distract you from reasoning life correctly with our Creator within you. There is a…