Challenges in business

If you have been following my blog articles, then you will understand that challenges are normal and are very important to improve yourself and your business..

God naturally created our planet to face challenges, in order to improve it..

As humans, you must face challenges or die

One major challenge, God gave Humans is the ability to properly use our Brain,

The human brain is naturally programmed to think randomly without precision, but when you try to think about a particular thing, your brain distract you and bring in another thinking, now the ability to focus on one thinking at a time, becomes a natural part of the challenges we face as humans…

For example: Your Shop rent is due, you need a solution to pay, you are thinking about your debtors and debtor Charles came into your mind, your brain tells you, how can I collect my Money from debtor Charles, while trying to think the answer, your brain brings in debtor Elizabeth and what she said about your dressing…

Now see, how your brain is naturally programmed to distract you, now when you try to focus on how can I collect my Money from debtor Charles, it becomes a “Challenge”

God is beautifully brilliant…

Other very common challenge God gave us, includes:

  1. The ability to farm and cultivate your own food as sustainance for your business.

Tomorrow, you will know, that all the wealthiest men and women in the world, that you admire are all into part-time farming, but no one is talking about it…

But hey, farming is considered a dirty job, who likes to share his or her dirty sides to any story…..You, anyone or I guess no one

See you tomorrow


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