Hard-work has no retirement, Hardwork is what you need you work for it without giving up, even if it takes Millennial of years to accomplish.

I wrote to Cr7, that he should never think Retirement..

He should think Transformation, as Retirement is not Circular like our planet but linear


So when you follow the rules of retirement, you grow old and die but when you follow the rule of Transformation, you evolve and evolve and evolve Forever….

Like our Sun and Moon circular shape, nothing is a waste and you have to go in circles to keep getting what you need in life..

Look Cr7 who choose Transformation and look Rooney who choose Retirement.


Cr7 transforms in continuation to play football and he look vibrantly younger, compare to Wayne Rooney who has retired from footbal & looking old.

It’s common sense, Hardwork preserve your youthfulness and the day you start complaining about how hard life is, that’s the day you and your business enters linear path & eventually get old & die.

As food is needed to keep you going, Hardwork is needed to keep putting food on your table, Hardwork cannot be substituted for easy no no…

While there are advantages of living a easy life, there are also disadvantages + to accomplish living a easy life you would need Hardwork in the background.

For example, you want easy life for you and your business, it’s understandable and have you ever try to think who will be doing the hard life of washing your dirty plates, washing your dirty clothes, going errands etc, so you can continue to maintain living your easy life? Have you?

Even if you pay people to do that for you, you still have to work Hard to earn Money to pay them. If you don’t pay them, they will leave you, if you try to find a partner aka wife or husband or children to help, one day they will eventually leave you either physically or through dead.

Hardwork is everything you ever dreamt of…

So keep working…like our circular Morning and Night..Work and Rest, but don’t ever think of retirement, were you seize not to work again.

If you seize not to work again or have that mindset of retirement, then your entire body will seize from working too, therefore causing shutdown in your body & business.


One response to “Forever HARD-WORK”

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