Humans Needs..

As at today, Nigerians are protesting against hunger with the hashtag #EndBadGovernance..

While I see the importance of the protest, I also see the silver line of the situation..

It is without doubt, humans have needs, and we need to satisfy our needs to survive..

One major general need, we need as humans is food…

Food keeps your body going to satisfy your other needs..that’s how God programmed Life..

The programming is complex and at the same time simple..

All human needs are already cared for by God, the complexity of such care makes Humans depends on Government rather than God, who created them..

I mean, if you can be strong enough, to grow your food yourself and frequently move food items from country side aka Village to urban areas, then you will understand that you literally don’t need Government, all you need is God and his nature..

But hey! The hardship of farming lures people away from the village to urban areas, where you have concretes floors covering our sand with little or no farming..

Humans generally transport food, from Rural areas to Urban areas, so when fuel that supports transportation system increases, the cost of food increases, it’s simple math..

I personally, have attachment with rural areas and OMG, you need to see the harvest and how food are is not a problem for farmers, food is a problem for non-farmers and the solution is part-time farming for you and your neighbors..

The human needs are already cared for by God through nature, be brave to tap from it, even transportation is not a problem, not Everytime you use Mack Trailers to transport food items,… sometimes you can use a donkey or 4 stallion horse with a carriage to move food items from one location to another…

God is just brilliant, and we humans complicate things, it is fine though, as complications leads to innovation..

Life is perfect..with you understanding that your business can care for a specific human need and that God has already put things in place to cared for all your needs….


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