Understand Instructions

No Manufacturer or Creator will produce a product, without putting working instructions to it, no, No, na, even you who cook food for your children, will place an instruction on how and when they can eat thier food and if anyone fails to adhere to your instructions comes cane or scolding. ..

Instructions are needed everyday in our day to day life.

In business, instructions play a vital role in making sure your business goes through a path that will heed success and opportunities.

Inside our human body, our Creator inputed a set of instructions to guide us toward doing things, one set of instructions is how to chew food, I mean no one told you that you cannot chew food using your centre teeth, to chew food you need to take it, to either your left side or right side of your teeth to chew, you see how the programmed instructions of chewing food is already inputed inside you, such shows that even our life has instructions, a step to guide us on how to live it correctly, our business has a set of instructions on how to run it daily, so while following instructions can be complicated most times, it is rather very important than you realize.

iMagine using only your center teeth to chew food and neglect using your already programmed side teeth to chew, please don’t imagine self, go and try it and you will see how frustrated you will be.

Na so, when you don’t follow the right instructions to your life and business, frustrations and sadness will cloud you like widefire and in turn leads to your extinction where you recycle to another species.

Please follow the instructions that works well with you and if you cannot understand it, then dedicate your life to find the instructions that works well for your life and business.


One response to “Understand Instructions”

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