Marketing weakness

Morning has come to “take” away our sleep and “give” us light to work.

The power of nature, your business will experience your weakness to give and take like never before.

Everything on our Planet transcend to 1, 2 & recycles, your body comprises of both left hand and right hand, so too we all have strength and weakness, my strength is my right hand and my weakness is my left hand, while some people like etiem has their strength as their left hand and weakness as their right hand..

It only natural, depicting clearly that we all have strengths and weaknesses when running our business.

For me, my weakness was marketing, marketing my business to people as an introvert is very challenging and a big problem for me..

it’s like you are right handed and you need to use only your left hand to, what a big problem.

The problem lasted for years until hungry catch me sotey I get sense to understand that if you want your business to make Money everyday, you need to market your business everyday..

Nobody tell me ooh, nah Hunger tell me, most expecially when you have zero free money from family and friends.

Even after making substantial amount of Money at my savings, I still set an aggressive course for marketing, because Money dey finish, so you need to continue to market everyday to make new Money.

To turn your weakness of marketing into strength, you just need to stop receiving free Money from people and allow hungry to catch you, the hunger will be a motivating factor to market your business everyday to make new Money for yourself.


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