Yes keep doing what to you love to do Naturally and evolve and understand say
In life you will do what you love to do Naturally and what you don’t want to do Naturally, in order to achieve what you love to do Naturally..
it’s simple Math, a Matter of physic, a matter of Necessity
Take example: you love eating cakes Naturally, to achieve eating cakes, you have to do the Natural thing of buying the cakes and do the things you don’t like to do naturally like going to office work everyday to gain Money to buy the cakes
Both things are needed to achieve eating Cakes, both doing the things you love to do naturally and doing the things you don’t love to do naturally is needed to achieve what you love to do naturally.
Those things you don’t love to do naturally in order to achieve what you love to do Naturally are called Necessity..
This Necessity is you going to work everyday to enjoy that cake
This programming also applies to your business and while I emphasize to do what you love Naturally, always note that it has advantages and disadvantages just like doing what other people wants you to do also has it advantages and disadvantages
It’s always your choice to choose
Always choose you.
The duality of Life, the balance
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