Your choice in Marketing

Yes we are God’s not Men

Only a weak Man or Woman will fail to Market it business to everyone due to fear of insults or neglect.

Our Creator dey collect insults from people everyday, and yet our Creator still uses it Sun to market to us everyday.

Let me tell you: when you fail to Market yourself to reach out to people and when you fail to respond to those reaching out to you: do you know what you asking for, you are asking for loneliness and eventual death.

It’s simple as ABC, take example of a girl child who eat free food from her parents house and feels she has all the life in the world, failing to understand that one day she will have to provide for her self, her pride to reach out to people or respond to messages has already cloud her, now when no one is giving her free food anymore, how would she survive, how can she reach out to people to help her, after ignoring them like trash, how?

So since she cannot reach out, what happens next….she gets old and die of loneliness.

Omoh..I have witnessed lots of older women like that, citing their regrets on missed opportunities just because they had pride and couldn’t respond.

Pride good ooh..but balance your pride with your humility, if possible show humility more.

People are important, Our Creators knows why he created people to help you, if you feel you are an island on your own, then no worries, you don’t need to market your business to people, just stay in your island and see what happens to your old age after 10 years lol 😁

If Our Creator can reach out to you first, then you should try to reach out to all people first.

If you cannot try, then no duality you can choose

When you choose not market your business, you will get no sales, no opportunity to travel, no Money to care for your needs therefore you will eventually die


When you choose to reach out to people and market your business, sales will flow and you will have Money to care for your needs.

It’s your choice, even as a farmer, you still need to reach out to all categories of people, tap from their knowledge, they were all created by Our Creator

That’s the true essence of business


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