
The opposite of Morning is Night

the opposite of a physical is spiritual

the opposite of a physical friend is a spiritual friend

Friends, friends are gifts from nature, but like the duality of life, they have advantages and disadvantages. Consider our planet’s pattern of day and night, morning and evening. You’ll understand that everything in the world we live in goes in two ways, like words and opposite. Acknowledging these two ways means success for you and your business.

Your friends go in two ways, but what better friend can you consider than the invisible friend inside you? Please tell me, who is more reliable than a spiritual friend that you cannot see? Already, you are physical, so why not befriend something spiritual, something unseen?

Doing that means following the pattern of morning and night, like our planet, as the opposite of morning is night, the opposite of a physical friend is a spiritual friend. Because you are physical, you can be seen, so you need a best friend that is spiritual, something unseen. That best friend is our Creator’s force inside you.

Friends can make businesses boom. My best friend has been a tremendous help to me. I can feel it, I talk to it every day. We interact about life unbiasedly. We talk mostly about things that should make feel extremely sad. We talk about hard and uncomfortable things. We chat anytime I go out. It directs me to the level of instincts to get what I want.

My best friend is within me, and you cannot see it, but it sees you. You can feel it, like a breeze on the beach, but you cannot touch it. It’s like wave.

While I have physical friends, we don’t engage in similar deep conversations. But i do, with my spiritual friends, oh yes, they are many, e shock you, and the one ruling me & them all is called “Discipline”. That guy doesn’t smile, even when I want to eat fry meat. He tells me, “We have a budget, Micheal. Buy kpomo and move on.” I just have to listen to discipline, because it gets things done.

Discipline helps shape my life into what I need it to be. We look forward to the future together, and I know it will continue to guide me and enable me to get what I want. While doing that, I understand that nothing goes for nothing. You eat food, you shit it out. Nothing goes for nothing on planet Earth, and as everything recycles, so your physical friends will recycle.

But don’t forget your best friend inside you, called our Creator.

Would you create something without putting a manual inside it? No! So, our Creator’s manual is inside you. Just talk to it every day, and you’ll be amazed to know your precise manual that works well with your life.

A mama who loves her baby would always want her baby to take some of her character. So too, our Creator, who loves all species, including animals, would always want its species to take some of its character.

Use our Creator’s force inside you well every day as your best friend.


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