Problems & Solutions

In the beginning of your existence, your father impregnated your mother, kindly see the sequence of how problems connect to solutions..

While you were inside your mother belly, your mother experience a “problem” due to Labor pain and quickly she was rushed to the hospital, she faced the “problem” of Enduring the pain of giving birth to you, and the “solution” was you coming out alive..

If your mother didn’t experience that “problem” to endure the pain of giving birth to you..

tell me honestly…

How would you come alive?. .

Every problems, has solutions, it’s how you approach it, that matters..

That’s how God programmed Life…

The interchange of problems to solutions are like the recycling of our everyday life.

Like words & opposite

Problems & Solutions

Negative & Positive

Disadvantages & Advantages

Work & Sleep

Morning & Night

From Morning, to Afternoon to Evening to Night, problems comes and solutions comes and life is much fulfilled with you experiencing and overcoming all problems..

The beauty about problems, is that there are always solutions right in the corner, you just need to search for it…

Problems are like night times, that you know will always come and solutions are like Day times that you know will surely come..

So don’t over think it..

Don’t seek problems, Embrace all problems that comes your way, as solutions are always close by.


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