Business Solutions..

Like everything on our planet are grouped into two, so your business problems also have solutions…

There is no problem, you cannot solve, absolutely no problem.

The world faced a series of health issues, involving Malaria, Lassa fever and most recently Covid 19 and how did we responded to this problem, a group of dedicated people, worked hand in hand to find a solution & remedy to our health issues. 

In the most dire situations, God will always make a way out for you, so cheer up with confidence and believe in your creator…..

Your business problems are an opportunity to seek solutions and grow. 

Take for example: 

i had a problem with my mother & father 9years ago, my parents gradually stopped financing my dreams, they wanted me to come home and serve Jehovah, I understood their concern, but I was rebellious because deep down I wanted more in Life and needed to get closer to my creator through Nature, rather than the bible book. 

All books were inspired by God, and written by Men, but Nature is absolutely purely created by God without any human writing interference…

So it was a big problem to me, at that time, my parent mandate was simple “if you want Money while you are away, then you need to come home or no Money for you” 

I was distraught, I squatted from shop to shop from a friend’s home to another, took insults upon insults, I slept under the bridge at Ikeja…, all because something bigger was calling me. 

I knew nothing goes for nothing, and then after much suffering and eating from hand to mouth, I discovered the importance of farming, I discovered my design business, I discovered that all problems connect you to opportunities. 

My parents are still in awe, how I manage to cope and thrive financially, now I don’t need their Money, I have more than enough Money and will keep having more Money, because of my impact on society in general.

Everyday I thank my parents inside my mind for the hardship they gave me, I deeply appreciate it because the hardship was what defines me.

Now, I have a solid home, and looking forward to building my dream office, insults from people or my customers are like a norm to me, dealing with customers’ imperfections comes easy to me, all because I embrace the hardship. 

As of today, it’s been a long long time since I have spoken to my parent’s, I value them so much that’s why I cannot risk my happiness to please them, doing that will be displeasing to my purpose on planet Earth & often lead me into frustrations. 

Doing that, will be depriving my parents to fully understand their own purpose on earth.

God created all, including my parents with a purpose, if they can find out clearly why God created them, then they can better understand me. 

God created me for a purpose, and everyday, I’m fulfilling that purpose to make daily Money and I know, all business problems has Solutions

All life problems have solutions…

Problems are meant to make us grow, without it, life will be super boring 

In conclusion, God assured us, in every problem you face, there is always a solution.

If my parents didn’t give me that problem, perhaps I wouldn’t be writing to you today with such resilience and assurance.

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