Beginning of your Birth

In the beginning of your life, your mother gave birth to you. Your mother gave you food through breastfeeding, and if she ignored you, you would be dead by now.

Note that your mother didn’t depend on bank work or a big-time company to feed you at that time; she only depend on her breast to feed you, and her breast is sustained by the food she eats every day.

If she doesn’t eat that food, which we all know comes from the farm, how can she sustain herself and sustain you?

Note again, that she needs food from the Farm or she would be dead, not food from office work, as even the food from office work are been collected from the farm.

With that knowledge, is it not wise to engage in part-time farming knowing that it serves as a fuel for humans to keep living.

Shouldn’t you tap directly from our Creator, instead of depending on human office work, that can disappoint you and these office work also depend on our Creator Farm-Lands to survive.

For example: You work for McDonald’s and you go to work everyday to earn Money to buy food and other things, McDonald’s go to the farm to gather food to sell to it customers and while you depend on McDonald’s, McDonald’s depends directly on Our Creator’s Farm-Land.

Why can’t you emulate such for yourself?

The hard truth is: our Global Economy, will face even more inflation, Nigerians get ready as Fuel will hit a record high of 2,100 Nigerian naira per liter, it’s not all about corrupt leaders but its all about the citizens and who they choose to depend on.

When you all leave our Creators Farm-Land to work for another human, what do you think you are doing to yourself?

You are indirectly causing inflation… inflation occurs when a country and it Citizens are less productive in tapping from Our Creators Farm-Land directly.

If you leave only me, inside the Farm to work, definitely demands will be high and therefore leading me to more work loads and to keep meeting up with demands, I have to inflate my food prices to pay more workers, transport foods and solve more farming challenges.

It’s simple Math.

So quit putting blames on your leaders, your president, they are not your Creator, your Creator is alive and needs you to depend on it Farm-land & patiently watch your life Transforms from Zero to Hero


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