Everything has a begining but no end on our Planet, everything goes in circles so when your business begins, it has no end only transformation, but that solely depends on how you care for your business.
Yes you can care for your business anyhow or you can care for your business well, the choices are yours.
While caring for your business well can be hard and leads to Continuality, caring for it anyhow can be easy and leads to stagnation.
Stagnation is death by the way, when a thing seize to exist but transforms to another source of energy, since energy cannot be destroy.
Your business is your energy, a tool to succeed in life and also your business is your main source of knowing your purposes in life, many people struggle everyday to discover their purpose in Life, while many don’t even get to know their purpose even till death.
Your purpose in life is your drive to your livelihood, your purpose in life is your business that you love doing naturally.
Would you care for your business anyhow or would you care for your business well
How you respond, affects your purpose in life.
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