Depend on Human Boss Positives and Negatives

Depend on Human Boss = easy life + more expenses + fear of been sacked

The best thing, that can ever happen to you, has both Positive side & Negative side

The worst thing, that can ever happen to you has both Positive side & Negative side.

That’s how our Planet works

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Here are the positives and negatives of depending on a Human Boss:


  1. Easy life: Having a steady income and benefits can provide financial security and reduce stress.
  2. Structured work environment: A clear hierarchy and defined roles can provide a sense of stability and direction.
  3. Opportunities for advancement: Working under a human boss can offer chances for professional growth and career development.
  4. Social interactions: Working with others can provide social connections and a sense of belonging.


  1. More expenses: Having a steady income can lead to increased spending and financial obligations.
  2. Fear of being sacked: Job insecurity can cause stress and anxiety.
  3. Limited autonomy: Working under someone else’s direction can limit independence and decision-making power.
  4. Office politics: Navigating workplace dynamics and potential conflicts can be challenging.
  5. Dependence on someone else: Your livelihood is tied to someone else’s decisions and actions.

Remember, these points are not exhaustive, and individual experiences may vary. The key is to weigh these Positives and Negatives and consider what works best for you and your goals.


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