Expect problems..

Lol… everything have a programming, a step to step process to make it work, even to toast woman has a programming, a process to get the girl, same way your business has a programming, a process to get the sales you desire.

Such programming, gives you expectations, and you need to always consider the positives and negatives in any expectations.

Like everything on our planet, Echenou Micheal, the Sun, the Moon, Morning, Night has expectations, these expectations are well straight forward on inaminate things like the Sun compare to animate things like Echenou Micheal & other humans with ability to make decisions.

Echenou Micheal always urges you to expect problems like night is expected to give us a problem to see and he also urges you that you should expect morning to give you solutions to see.

By the way, I’m Echenou Micheal

Expectations are well routined, like night gives you the problem to see but morning is expected to give you solution to see, night cannot go on and on without morning, no na na, it’s not programmed like that, night is programmed & expected to last every 12hrs giving you a problem to see and morning is programmed & expected for another 12hrs to give you solution to see and it keeps repeating itself till infinity…

So too expect problems in your business and also expect solutions

Expectations in problems expecially business problems that you will experience, will make you super confident that no matter the challenges or problems you face, solutions will always come.

Like our morning is expected to give you problem of heat’s our night is also expected to give you solution to that heat’s


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