How you respond to Life

What comes to your mind when you see Big Cockroaches, normal human instinct is to kill it, so cruel, humans are so damn wicked because when you see a Cockroach, how you respond defines who you are.

Cockroaches should be guided, nah Our Creator create us all….Yes guide the Cockroach to leave your sight, because you are not comfortable to see it…

How do you respond to everything life has to offer?

How do you respond to the fact that we loss everyday:

Most recently, I learnt that we loss everyday without knowing and while i hate losing, it’s a natural programing of life.. as we sleep, work we lose calories and energy that we gain from our food and it’s awe-inspiring that losing is a natural part of life.

How you respond to any programing of life matters aLot for your business, if you respond anyhow or ignore it then you lose even more in life but if you respond well then you align yourself with our planet programming of balance.

Our Planet, is called Earth and they are many other Planets that might contain Alien’s, which makes universal life balance.

Our Planet consist of Morning and Night a programming that has been on-going for years and continue to repeat itself everyday

Now how do you respond to that:

Do you respond by ignoring our Morning and Night programing or do you respond by taking notes and observations

The choices are yours

Please your business consistency depends on how you respond to life, Keep learning about the planet we live in and respond Positivity to all the Negativity life has to offer and your business will evolve.


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