How long will you work for that your employer on our planet?
How long?
5years, 10years or Foreverr
If they sack you, which is probably the worst thing that can happen, where will you fall back to?
Where will you be?
You are smiling now, because you have received a salary but for how long?
Please tell me, how long? ..
I have giving listening ears to old people, I have heard their regrets and I keep learning from them.
The truth is: now it might seem Echenou Micheal talks about business is rubbish, because you are young and you feel you have all the time in the world but little do you know, time waits for nobody, little do you know that you cannot reverse the time, only live to regrets.
Old people teach me aLot, they give me insight to take responsibility of my own life, and yes nothing feels better when you prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
When you prepare for the worst, you give yourself more alternatives, you are like in the middle of something and eitherways works for you, such a feeling is a power you can experience and that power leads to absolute freedom.
Note: preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, doesn’t mean to pray for everything to go smoothly with you.
If everything was to go smoothly for you, you will experience Positivity but also you will experience Negativity like:
- Complacency: Without challenges, you might become too comfortable and stop innovating or improving.
- Lack of resilience: Not facing obstacles could make you less equipped to handle future difficulties.
- Missed opportunities: Smooth sailing might mean you’re not exploring new possibilities or taking calculated risks.
- Stagnation: Without challenges, you might not be learning, growing, or developing new skills.
- Overconfidence: Success without effort can lead to arrogance, causing you to underestimate future challenges.
- Dependence on external factors: If everything goes smoothly due to external circumstances, you might rely too heavily on those factors rather than your own abilities.
- Lack of empathy: Not experiencing difficulties might make it harder to understand and relate to others who face challenges.
- Unrealistic expectations: Smooth sailing can create unrealistic expectations, leading to disappointment or frustration when challenges inevitably arise.
Remember, challenges, problems & obstacles can be valuable teachers, helping you grow and develop in meaningful ways!
People tend to place lots of emphasis on prayers and hoping for miracles to happen, miracles only happen to hard workers, miracles only happen when you take charge over your life and business, so instead of wasting your limited time to pray and fast, use that time & energy to think about ways you can improve yourself and your business, use that energy to study about the planet you live in, & how it works.
Prayer works, when you take full charge of your life and Accept that all the Negatives in your life are needed for Positivity to shine.
That’s how our planet works.
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