As a Sole-Proprietor, In every business meeting you have with yourself and your business, kindly include our Creator only, instead of you wasting your time including physical humans like your friends, husband, children or wife who has certain similarities and differences with you.
Again, not your conventional prayers, a conversation with your Inner-self, an atom of Our Creator force inside you.
For example: you are communicating with your spouse, you say honey let’s focus on marketing our business together, and honey said sugar, I understand but when we Focus on branding our website we can get more customers automatically, you said honey are you sure, honey said sugar yes I’m sure, after 5 years of changing Website designers, still yet no Customers, you say honey what can we do,honey say sugar, we need to change the Website designer again, you say but shouldn’t we focus on daily Marketing like Cadbury? honey said no, I don’t really think so, Cadbury website, enables them to make sales, you say hmmmm
After everyone has sleep, you start discussing within yourself and our Creator pop up a solution to your business problem and said: look at market women who sell rice, do they have a Website, no..but they make sales everyday because they market their business by opening their shops everyday and shout Aunty Buy ooh, Aunty buy…. so focus on Marketing your business
You are excited and you wake up your spouse, to share with him/her what you have just reasoned with our Creator in a pure Logical sense and your spouse still says No and gives stupid excuses…
then comes, breath of contract
Aunty, brother divorce that person
Only a fool make mistakes twice, all in the name of love
Once bitten twice shy, so it’s your choice to listen to our Creator advise and carry on your business marketing with or without your spouse or endure a marriage where your business cannot move forward due to the differences you have with your spouse.
After you will say, life is hard, the devil do this, devil do that, when our Creator has already provide you with an easy solution. but yet you no listen after you start complaining about life..Mtcheww
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