Business is all about marketing, infact immediately after opening your business, you need to engage in series of marketing back to back everyday non-stop…
Your business urges people to focus more on the services you render and this people needs you to keep drumming about your products and services at their ear non-stop.
It’s not rocket science but a simple logic of give and take.
Give and take logic align with our Creator programing, that’s why most often you see in repetition Night coming every 12hrs interval to “give” us darkness and “take” the light from Morning away..
So it’s only natural to “give” your business repeated marketing and “take” sales
Marketing cannot be underestimate, don’t hide your fear of marketing by pushing it to someone else, market your business yourself, see yourself as an extension of your business and regularly talk about your business to people everyday as your business is like your mouth, that needs to constantly remind people to do business with you.
Whatever you sell, market it everyday, if marketing is hard for you then its your weakness and you are not alone as I will help you turn marketing from your weakness to your strength, just keep reading articles everyday at my Website.
Ps: I was once extremely weak in Marketing and this delay the operation of my business before, so I understand..I really do
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