Our Creator

Did you give yourself life, or did life come to you by chance or did you wake up one morning and you configured your own body to include hates and likes?

No, you didn’t, someone else did, A force greater than you did, and you need to start getting closer to that force.

Humans find strengths when they are together with other humans which is ideally logical, but real strength starts with you been alone with our Creator next to you.

Our Creator is Alive and evident can be seen in the repeatition of morning and night, such repeatition should tell you that life is all about Up’s and Down’s and every down you find yourself, there is a greater up only if you stay patience and consistent in what you do.

With the repeatition of Morning and Night till infinity, your business that is station on our planet will face a repeatition of morning = light days where things are going smoothly and a repeatition of night = dark days where things are not going smoothly.

It’s only Natural and with that pattern, you can better understand how you can operate your business even when everything is not going smoothly.

In between the repeatition of Morning = Light days in business and Night = Dark days in business you need to continually communicate with our Creator to seek guidelines on how to operate your business, the outcome you will have when interacting with our Creator concerning your business will mostly lead to you making hard decisions, out-weight your options and don’t be afraid to make hard decisions even if it means displeasing your loved ones to enhance your own happiness.

Let them go and find the same close connection you have with our Creator and they will understand.


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