“Don’t you see how Coca-Cola has evolved throughout the years? Coca-Cola follows a circular business model. Your business can emulate such. You see where we stay, the planet we call home, goes in circles. It doesn’t go in an upward trajectory; instead, it goes in circles. That’s how your business needs to go in circles.
Coca-Cola keeps going in circles. They recycle their bottles and logo. But the main thing is that they continue to render services to people. Your business can emulate such.
So, when you want to start your business or kick-start any venture, kindly note that it’s something you have to start and continue forever. A circular motion means forever. You’re not just doing business, saying, ‘Once it’s not giving me the expected money, I’ll leave and go to another business.’ It doesn’t work that way. You won’t be successful that way.
To be successful in business, focus on one business for at least twenty to thirty years. Then you can venture into a new business. The first business should be one of necessity, and also attach it to a business that comes from your heart, your passion.
Like I told you initially, our planet goes in a circular way. It’s a Factory, and our creator is the owner. Inside this factory, people work in various departments. For me, I’m in the design department. For Coca-cola they are in the soft drink department, For you, it could be hairdressing, cooking, or medical care.
To know your department, understand what you love doing daily without getting tired. That’s your passion – something you’ll pursue even in uncomfortable situations.
Something our creator, has input inside you, its a pity lots of humans are working for salary and doing occupations, that are not close to thier passion, that alone takes you away from our Planet Manual and thats why you are frustrated with Life.
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