Our Planet Manual

When you buy a Television, it came with a Manual, a step to step guide on how to control the Television so it can work well for you.

Like a Television, Our Planet has it own Manual, a step to step guide on how you can control your Life so it can work well for you.

To know our Planet Manual: let’s start from the beginning of your life:

The beginning of you Life, starts with your Father’s shooting in Sperm(you) inside your Mother, your Mother receives the Sperm(you) and nurture you for 9 months before giving birth to you.

You came into life and discovered that science have been observing our Planet to fully know it Manual.

Unlike a television with a Written Manual, Our Creator didn’t write down our Planet Manual, instead our Creator gave us the ability to observe and document it ourselves and science has been doing a great job.

Scientific research all over the globe has discovered the following:

Here are some key discoveries scientists and researchers have made about our planet:

Our Planet Basics

  1. Age: 4.5 billion years old
  2. Composition: Iron core, rocky crust, water, and gases (all under the 4 elements of Air, Fire, Water & Earth)
  3. Atmosphere: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases
  4. Cycle: Our Planet moves in circular motion to orbit the Sun

Water Cycle

  1. Evaporation: Water turns into vapor
  2. Condensation: Vapor turns into clouds
  3. Precipitation: Clouds release water as rain/snow

Climate and Weather

  1. Seasons: Earth’s tilt causes changes in temperature leading into Day and Night
  2. Weather patterns: Hot/Cold pressure systems, wind, and ocean currents
  3. Climate zones: Tropical, temperate, polar regions


  1. Plate tectonics: Moving plates shape Earth’s surface
  2. Earthquakes: Plate movements cause tremors
  3. Volcanoes: Magma from Earth’s interior erupts

Life and Ecosystems

  1. Photosynthesis: Plants convert sunlight into energy
  2. Food chains: Energy transfers from producers to consumers
  3. Biodiversity: Variety of species and ecosystems

Earth’s Systems

  1. Carbon cycle: Carbon exchanges between atmosphere, oceans, and land
  2. Nitrogen cycle: Nitrogen converts between forms
  3. Water cycles: Water circulates through oceans, atmosphere, and land

This is just a glimpse of what scientists have discovered. There’s still much to explore and learn!

Based on scientific research, it’s best to conclude that the Manual of our Planet works in a Circular motion, which is majorly Day and Night

So if our Planet works in a Circular motion, then you should live your life & business in a Circular motion that evolves continuous learning.

Sadly most Humans, are living their lives in a Linear Motion, and that’s why they & their business dies.


One response to “Our Planet Manual”

  1. أنابيب النحاس في العراق في مصنع إيليت بايب، نفخر بكوننا أحد الموردين الرائدين لأنابيب النحاس في العراق. تُصنع أنابيب النحاس لدينا وفقًا لأعلى المعايير، مما يوفر توصيلًا استثنائيًا ومقاومة للتآكل. هذه الأنابيب مثالية لأنظمة السباكة، والتدفئة، والتبريد، حيث توفر أداءً موثوقًا في كل من البيئات السكنية والصناعية. تضمن تقنيات الإنتاج المتقدمة لدينا أن كل أنبوب نحاسي يلبي معايير الجودة الصارمة، مما يعزز مكانتنا كخيار أول للجودة والموثوقية. تعرف على المزيد حول أنابيب النحاس لدينا بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني على ElitePipe Iraq.

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