Routine in Fixed savings

God gave we Farmers, dry season and harvest season, a wise farmer harvest food & save it in his store house, because he knows season changes.

Ensure you save 70% of your earnings every month, in your Fixed savings bank account Foreverrrr…

There will be times, where you earn more & there will be times where you earn less…

Avoid unnecessary spending, spend only on cheap things…

Yes, there will come a time, where you can spend more depending on your earnings, but it’s paramount you save Money every month..

Your dreams business needs your saving ability…

During the dry season, a Farmer plant seeds to the ground to invest in the soil, in order to reap more harvest for more savings.. ….

Emulate farmers, save more & invest..


2 responses to “Routine in Fixed savings”

  1. Very interesting subject, regards for putting up..

  2. Everyone loves it when people get together and share thoughts. Great website, stick with it!

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