Turning your hates into opportunities

There is a popular statement, that state “hate what is bad and love what is good”

For me I hate farming, but is farming bad?

i hate color white, but does it mean it’s a bad thing?

I hate the sight of food inside my mouth, but does this means it’s bad?

i hate dancing, expecially in the public, but does it mean, it’s a bad thing?

Like aforementioned, there is nothing like good or bad as both interwined to give you what you need at that particular moment in time.

Your hates and likes are interwined and everything you love doing naturally, will always present something that you hate doing out of necessity.

for example, you love baking naturally but it present you with the opportunity to wash your baking tools, and you hate it, but it’s necessary

In business, you will continiously experience many things, that you will hate, but you have to do it.

Hatred for something, are the disadvantages or Negatives you face in your business.

This Hates are programmed so you can reach more of your potentials and develop resilience in our Planet ways of doing things.

Your business, will present you with so many negatives and you turning those negatives into positives, is the real essence of living.

So don’t feel hopeless, when everything in your life and business seem to be going bad & you hate it, just chill, relax take a bottle of coke and smile.

Smile at it and use your thinking faculty to come up with solutions and remedies, and you will uncover more opportunities in Life.

Business is interesting, it’s never a one way ticket but a two way ticket, one ticket is your happiness and the other ticket is your sadness.

Exploit that sadness in business 🎻


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