How well can you care for your business? Ladies Ladies, Ladies… you people are the epitome of care, you crave care and attention on a more advantageous level than men, you people know the true meaning of care while men focuses more on work and work with little or no empathy to care.
So my female species, you need to channel your care to your business, you see the way you want to be pampered, that is the same way, you need to pamper your business, care for your business by posting about it everyday on Whatsapp or Instagram, nah person wey post our Creator dey bless ooh.
Oyah you self analyse am!
I have my business flyer on my DP & I post about my business everyday
Compare to you…
You don’t have your business flyer on your DP and you don’t post anything related to your business
Aunty’s and brothers, which efforts will our Creator bless…
Abeg go dey expect magic when you don’t care for your business by posting about it eveyday, don’t blame anyone, blame yourself.
Ehhh you need Money, you need Money to care for your needs and yet you don’t post about your business…na wa ooh
I told majority of my daughters in business, small daddy that’s me Echenou Micheal will be reluctant to send you dash Money, when you don’t post about your business, Biko I cannot support bad thing oooh, it’s totally wrong to expect Money when you don’t put even the slightest efforts to care for your business by posting about it everyday.
Or it’s because you are collecting free foods from your parents and boyfriend’s, I no do ooh..the only categories of girls who are serious with their business, are the ones without parent, hunger don catch them sotey dem get sense to care for their business.
I always encourage all to be business oriented and actively talk about their business to people everyday.
Like duality, its your choice
Try to care for your business everyday, use your time & internet data wisely to post about your business and see how our Creator will bless your efforts.
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