When you buy a Television, it came with a Manual, a step to step guide on how to control the Television so it can work well for you.
Like a Television, Our Planet has it own Manual, a step to step guide on how you can control your Life so it can work well for you.
To know our Planet Manual: let’s start from the beginning of your life:
The beginning of you Life, starts with your Father’s shooting in Sperm(you) inside your Mother, your Mother receives the Sperm(you) and nurture you for 9 months before giving birth to you.
You came into life and discovered that science have been observing our Planet to fully know it Manual.
Unlike a television with a Written Manual, Our Creator didn’t write down our Planet Manual, instead our Creator gave us the ability to observe and document it ourselves and science has been doing a great job.
Scientific research all over the globe has discovered the following:
Here are some key discoveries scientists and researchers have made about our planet:
Our Planet Basics
- Age: 4.5 billion years old
- Composition: Iron core, rocky crust, water, and gases (all under the 4 elements of Air, Fire, Water & Earth)
- Atmosphere: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases
- Cycle: Our Planet moves in circular motion to orbit the Sun
Water Cycle
- Evaporation: Water turns into vapor
- Condensation: Vapor turns into clouds
- Precipitation: Clouds release water as rain/snow
Climate and Weather
- Seasons: Earth’s tilt causes changes in temperature leading into Day and Night
- Weather patterns: Hot/Cold pressure systems, wind, and ocean currents
- Climate zones: Tropical, temperate, polar regions
- Plate tectonics: Moving plates shape Earth’s surface
- Earthquakes: Plate movements cause tremors
- Volcanoes: Magma from Earth’s interior erupts
Life and Ecosystems
- Photosynthesis: Plants convert sunlight into energy
- Food chains: Energy transfers from producers to consumers
- Biodiversity: Variety of species and ecosystems
Earth’s Systems
- Carbon cycle: Carbon exchanges between atmosphere, oceans, and land
- Nitrogen cycle: Nitrogen converts between forms
- Water cycles: Water circulates through oceans, atmosphere, and land
This is just a glimpse of what scientists have discovered. There’s still much to explore and learn!
Based on scientific research, it’s best to conclude that the Manual of our Planet works in a Circular motion, which is majorly Day and Night
So if our Planet works in a Circular motion, then you should live your life & business in a Circular motion that evolves continuous learning.
Sadly most Humans, are living their lives in a Linear Motion, and that’s why they & their business dies.
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