The Materials used in creating humans(your customers)& how to use in business

Humans are people and those people are your potential customers.

The Materials that Our Creator used in creating humans, has been highlighted in my previous article and when you group this materials into 4, you have materials under the catergory of Air, Fire, Water and Earth

In conclusion, humans are made up of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, that’s why humans need this 4things everyday to survive

Humans breath in (Air) everyday

Humans experience sunlight (Fire) everyday

Humans drink in (Water) everyday

Humans eat food from the ground (Earth) everyday

Humans are compose of this materials and tend to display those traits Everyday..

In symbolic sense,

  1. Air means: Thinking, ideas, planning, creativity etc
  2. Fire means: Action, passion, energy etc
  3. Water means: Adaptability, fluidity, transformation etc
  4. Earth means: Endurance, stability, foundation etc

When you combine all, you have your potential customers or humans having those combined traits within them, & some traits are more pronounced than others.

With this knowledge you will know how to properly interact with humans to become your customer.

Already our Universe is programmed that way..

You are already displaying those traits every seconds of your life..

For example, you wake up from sleep, you think(Air) of easing yourself in the bathroom, then you stand up(Fire) to ease yourself, while heading to the bathroom you adapt(Water) to any situation you might face like the slippery ground, and finally you endure(Earth) then you ease yourself and come back to your room to plan(Air) your next activities.

Our Creator is just too brilliant, while complexity is much, he uses simplicity to make life easy, only if you understand how to use it properly for your business.

To approach a human being to become your customer:

You need to first think(Air), then act(Fire), then flow(Water) to their response and finally endure(Earth) any setbacks while you maintain your objective towards that human being.

For example, you need to start a business..

Before starting, Our Universe programs you to think(Air) about the kind of business you would like to do.

After that comes action(Fire) you act accordingly to start the business.

Then comes (Water)you flow or adapt to any outcome you might face while starting the business

Then (Earth)you endure and maintain a solid foundation to continue the business forever.

Now you need more customers for that your business..

Our universe expects you, to follow it pattern consciously to get more customers, expecially after reading the knowledge of Echenou Micheal on how our universe works.

To get more customers,

Our universe, expects you to knowingly do the following

  1. Air: you think and brainstorm ideas on how you can get more customers
  2. Fire: you act on your ideas and implement it
  3. Water: you flow with the outcome of your ideas, because whatever you think, do not always go according to your thinking
  4. Earth: you endure and maintain a solid foundation forever to seek more possible ways to get more customers for your business.

Keep repeating and fine-tuning in a circular motion, then you will get more customers after some days..99% certain.

Business is beautiful, it just needs your understanding.


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