While you gossip about your fellow humans, I gossip about Planet Saturn
While you discuss about your government, I discuss about the entire Universe
While you waste your time on irrelevant things, I utilize my time to invent ImMortality.
While you wait for someone to market your business for you, I Market my business by myself Everyday.
Things you do everyday, determines your future and the future of your business.
So the question is, what do you do everyday?
Things you do everyday must generate Money for you to feed yourself to survive…
Your business put food on your table, so don’t joke with it, be serious with Life..
You have two Whatsapp messages:
One from Echenou asking you for business collaboration
The second is from your husband asking you for date night
Which one will you respond to first or ignore?
The answers are yours.
While both messages are important, understand say date night will collect your Money but Echenou will Increase your Money….
What you do everyday and how you respond to everything in Life, determines whether your business will go far or not.
The choices are yours
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